Latest News
- Our Parents Evening Booking system goes live at 6PM tonight.
- A letter went out to all parents this evening.
- As you may have seen in our latest newsletter, we are launching MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) this week. This system allows parents to log in initially to see information about their children and check their details are correct.
- Why not go to All saints and have fun at Messy Church!
- 10 Top Tips to support children to develop emotional literacy
- As you may have seen in our latest newsletter, we are launching MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) this week. This system allows parents to log in initially to see information about their children and check their details are correct.
- We have another fund raising opportunity in the next few days!
- Yesterday our wonderful science instructor came into school to promote her fantastic science club after school on Thursday evenings for all Junior children.
- It's a last call for tickets for this exciting event!
- Important information for Year 1, Year 4 and Year 6 parents to read.
- You can now cook your children's favourite Debbie's dinner at home!
- Read further details and book a place!
- A message about our Attendance and Behaviour Policies.
- A chance to claim any lost items!
- The first 'Messy Church' of 2025 will be here soon!
- Applying for a place in Reception Sept 2025?
- If your child has a passion for all things scientific and wishes to take part in our extra-curricular club on Thursday evenings, then there are still a couple of spaces left to join the club.
- The January edition of the FOSBACS newsletter is now available.
- A welcome back to all of our Four Oaks families!
- The most popular newspaper in the world has been released today. Take a read through with your child as it is hot off the press!
- A notice for all families.
- The Christmas edition of the Four Oaks Radio Show is now live on our website.
- Read some important reminders from the DfE.
- The results of our Induction Questionnaire are now ready to read.
- Our reading round-up for December is now out there for everyone to enjoy!
- Monday evenings - Multi-sports - Year 1 and 2 - Infant Hall (3.30 - 4.40pm) Collection from Reception front playground Wednesday evenings - Box Fit - Year 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 - Infant Hall (3.30 - 4.40pm) Collection from Reception front playground
- If your child loves climbing, bouncing and flipping themselves over then look no further than joining our after school gymnastics classes.
- Our run down of clubs for the Spring Term is now live!
- A handy guide to help keep everyone happy and regulated over the festive period.
Latest Website Calendar Events
- Parents’ Evening12Feb2025
3:50 pm - 6:10 pm
- Parents' Evening13Feb2025
3:50 pm - 6:10 pm
- Half-Term Holiday17Feb2025
- All pupils return to school24Feb2025