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School admissions are controlled by Birmingham Local Authority and we advise parents to contact the LA with regards to admissions. Details of admission arrangements and relevant application dates can be found at

The school can admit up to sixty children in any year group. This figure is reviewed annually by the Governors.

If a child is four years old on or before 31st August, then they may start school in the September of the same year.

In the event of being oversubscribed; i.e. an excess of 60 children, then the allocation of places is made in accordance with the Local Education Authority’s published criteria for admissions.

The criteria are as follow:

  1. Looked After or Previously Looked After children.
  2. Children with brothers or sisters (siblings) already at school who will still be at Four Oaks when they start school themselves.
  3. Children who live nearest to the school by a straight line measurement between the school and their home.

The final date for registration is set by the LEA, so please check the website above for the current year’s dates.


Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs/EHC Plan:

Any child with a statement of Special Educational Needs/Education Health and Care Plan, is required to be admitted to the school that is named in the statement or plan. This gives such children overall priority for admission to the named school. This is not an oversubscription criterion. Children are admitted to schools in accordance with parental preference as far as possible.

Offers of places in other year groups are made to children on the waiting list as places become available and in the order of distance from school according to the criteria above.

The arrangements for children who transfer from another school to Four Oaks are as follows:

  1. Parents and children have an opportunity to view the school at work by making an appointment with the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher.
  2. Once the decision to transfer to Four Oaks has been made, a start date for the children will be established. Details of the previous school will be taken so that records can be passed on.
  3. To assist with a child’s transfer, a small group of children in the same year group will be nominated to help them as they settle in to Four Oaks. 

In the event of a year group being full, i.e. 60 children, the school is unable to allocate further places, however parents may add their child’s name to a waiting list for future vacancies. Please note that waiting lists are only maintained for the current academic year. Parents will need to submit a new application in September each year in order to remain on the waiting list.  Any places will be allocated according to the usual criteria from the Admissions and Appeals Section in the Education Department.  Full details of the school’s admission arrangements can be found by clicking here

The contact number for Admissions & Appeals is Tel: 0121 303 1888