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Mrs Sutton
by Olivia

Mr Benton
by Francis

Miss Appleby
by Alayna
Miss Jennings
by Mila
Mrs Finnister
by Avani
Mrs Cope
by Maisie
Mrs Elvins
by Hannah
Miss Sanders
by Marin
Mrs Upton
by Willow
 Mrs Penn
by Shriya
Miss Fowkes
by Scarlett
Mr Jones
by Lily
Mrs Hill
by Neya
Mrs Gilbert
by Maddy
Miss Glynn
by Lexie
Mrs Litwinowicz
by Olivia
Mrs Smith
by Evie
Miss Wykes
by John
Mrs Atherton
by Ella
Mr Hill
by Ryan
Mrs Morris
by Chloe
Mr Cope
by Eva
Mrs Goldspink
by Eva
Mrs Brown
by Luke
Mrs Bambury
by Isla
Mr Oakley
by James
Mrs Bradshaw
by Autumn
Mrs Bissett
by Millie
Mrs Barton
by Olivia
 Mr Boughton
by Lilly
Mrs Lee
by Francesca
Mrs Glover Mrs Bansal
Mrs Knight
by Lauren
Mrs Arnett
by Martha
  Mrs Johnson
by Olivia
 Mr Meyer (Site Manager)
by Lewis
Mr Smith (Cleaner)


Adam Hall
by Summer

Dave Pittaway
by Lyra
Junior Dinner Supervisors  Infant Dinner Supervisors
 Kitchen Staff